"Pokemon Go" continues to be one of the top gaming apps to have thanks to the continued efforts of Niantic. Though far from perfect, the priority of the gaming company is performance and stability issues to tone down complaints on game crashes.
Until now, there are still game crashes that occur – most of which happens during gym battles and raids. Niantic has released patches to address these problems which still occur at times. Hence, added improvements tied up to gyms, raid battles or even new Pokemon may have to wait until all of these are contained.
Gym improvements ahead
The best way to inject improvements to "Pokemon Go" is to listen to the ones playing the game. Apparently, Niantic has gotten some ideas from players through feedbacks. While that is something to look forward to, the change may need more time to implement.
Niantic product manager Tatsuo Nomura admits that “Pokemon Go” gyms are far from perfect. Improvements are always welcome and most of this will eventually happen. Like previous updates made to the game, the changes will likely emerge as a surprise to gamers at some point moving forward.
Raids expanding niche
Aside from "Pokemon Go" gym improvements, raid battles could use some improvements. Since they were introduced, players have been having a hard time organizing a group to tackle raids.
The stakes are raised when legendary raids come to mind – something that may need a large number of players to overcome.
There are a lot of factors that come to play. That includes the areas where "Pokemon Go" players are at. The ones residing in rural areas have lesser chances of participating and completing raids – a coverage problem that Niantic needs to factor into their to-do list as well.
Hence, the likelihood of getting a legendary Pokemon is pretty low if compared to urbanized areas.
Addressing the gym and raid battles are only a couple of problems Niantic has to deal with. Right now, most are focused on the new critters coming out – particularly the legendary ones in select regions.
Among the Pokemon up for grabs include MewTwo and Moltres.
Aside from that, there is also the Shiny Pikachu keeping gamers occupied, another variant of the popular Pokemon. At the rate these new creatures are coming out, more are expected to follow.
Regardless, Niantic continues to work on the improvements for “Pokemon Go” in an effort to give gamers the best possible playing experience. The improvements planned by Niantic are welcome and should be something to look forward to. With no timetable, the wait could take a while – meaning most will just have to enjoy the game and what it currently has to offer.