It has been six months since Gen 2 was released in Pokemon GO and for sure, dedicated trainers living in big cities have probably caught mostly what the second generation of pocket monsters has to offer. Now if you are one of those trainers who are already bored with catching the same kinds of Pokemon every day, then you might not like this.
Unverified reports
Recently, unverified reports of Niantic planning a Gen 3 release this coming September has spread all over the internet. Now to clarify all of those reports, as of the moment, there has been no confirmed leaks or hints in regards to Gen 3 in any of the previous Pokemon GO app updates.
Remember back on November 7, 2016, it was the first time that clues for Gen 2 was spotted in Pokemon GO’s data mine and so far, nothing is found as yet. Also, it took more than three months before Niantic was able to release Gen 2. With no clues or hints this late on the speculated Gen 3 September release, things look quite a bit odd and bleak for an event of that magnitude to happen in Pokemon GO.
According to Pokemon GO Hub, one thing is for sure and it's that Niantic is planning for another content update this coming fourth quarter of 2017. Whether that’s Pokemon Gen 3, Player versus Player or trading, we don’t have any idea as of the moment.
New incubator coming?
On other news, a new type of incubator dubbed as the “super incubator” is discovered in Pokemon GO’s new set of text assets.
The text assets and its description reads as "incubatorsuper.1_title” “Super Incubator”, “incubatorsuper.1_description” “A more powerful Egg Incubator helps Eggs hatch quickly. Breaks after one use.”, “item_incubator_super_name” “Super Incubator”, and lastly “item_incubator_super_desc” “A more powerful Egg Incubator helps Eggs hatch quickly.
Breaks after one use.”
Despite these details, the specific differences between the current incubators we have in the game and this new super incubator are still a mystery. Expect more details in regards to this new PokeEgg storage item by the time a new update arrives.
Nerfed Mewtwo
We have previously reported that Mewtwo has just been released during the Pokemon GO Stadium event in Yokohama, Japan.
For sure, if you are not in Japan, you are already stoked in battling and catching your first Mewtwo in the coming days, however, I do not mean to burst your bubble in any way but Mewtwo has been nerfed.
Mewtwo's base stats such as its attack has gone down from 330 to 300, as well as its defense from 200, now down to 182 and lastly its stamina, from being as high 212, down to 193. As of the moment, Mewtwo is the only one in Pokemon GO that has not followed the exact same formula for stats as other Pokemon.
Stay tuned to Blasting News for more Pokemon GO news!