Recently, Square Enix announced a new spin-off of the "Final Fantasy XV" title. "Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition" launches on November 21 for iOS, Windows, and Android devices. The game recounts the story of Noctis and his group as they make the journey to the land of Eos and also features pocket-sized characters to match the theme set for the mobile version of the game.

The story of the game has been divided into 10 episodes, with the first coming as free content and the rest to be added as in-app purchases.

The mechanics from the main title are said to have been carried over to this mobile phone video game adaptation. Players will easily find themselves working with familiar mechanics and will easily adapt to the touch-based controls.

With all the buzz surrounding "FF XV," fans couldn't help but wonder if the highly-acclaimed title will transfer over to the hybrid Nintendo Switch video game console.

Fingers crossed

In a recent interview at Gamescom held in Germany, game director Hajime Tabata hints at the possibility of a "Final Fantasy XV" game for the Switch hardware. While the main title "FF XV" may not hit Switch anytime soon, Hajime told IGN that there is "certainly a chance" for a Switch version of "Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition." Although, as of this moment, the game does not seem to have any controller support, fans are happy to hear that the game developers are considering the pocket version of the main title as a solid candidate for the versatile console.

It may take time before we see the game enter the Switch universe. The game could even end up as a handheld-only title as it was designed specifically to be played on mobile devices. It may not enjoy the same versatility as other games that can alternatively be played between handheld and docked modes.

Video game developers and staff have expanded the game's story and created a universe which revolves around "FF XV." This resulted in different games that spawned titles that were later adapted to different platforms, and Nintendo Switch could be Final Fantasy's next destination.

Endless possibilities

Nintendo Switch could provide numerous gameplay options for "Final Fantasy XV." The hybrid game console has motion control capabilities which could open up new ways of how the game could be enjoyed. Though bringing the main title to Switch is a tall order, the game's pocket edition is a game worth looking forward to.