Blizzard Entertainment is indeed keeping "Overwatch" interesting for the fans as they officially introduced the game's new map known as Junkertown. The gaming firm also made some hero balances especially with D.Va as she received some pretty cool stuff.
Junkertown if finally here
From the looks of it, the award-winning game developer is all too excited to unveil the new escort map as it was made known prior to their Gamescom presentation that is scheduled this Wednesday, August 23.
Blizzard also released a short animated feature showcasing Junkertown's two notable inhabitants: Roadhog and Junkrat. The game maker even allowed attendees of the aforementioned gaming event to try out the new map.
How it came to be
Blasting News has reported early on about battleground. The map is situated in the Australian Outback where an Omnium core was once located. However, both Roadhog and Junkrat formed a collective dubbed as the Australian Liberation Front and eventually blew up the core. The massive explosion turned that portion of the Outback into a radioactive wasteland from which Junkertown was born.
D.Va's new firepower
Meanwhile, Overwatch's lead designer Geoff Goodman recently posted an update in US Battle forum website regarding the changes that they made with one of their tank characters, D.Va. Reports suggest that the eSports gamer-turned-soldier was nerfed on her defenses, though at the same time buffed on her offense capabilities.
Per the new post, the hero's energy drain on her Defense Matrix was doubled making her uptime effectivity reduced to 50 percent. However, D.Va's fusion cannons can now be used while she is airborne.
Another thing to look forward to is her new Micro Missiles. D.Va now has the ability to shell out a barrage of mini-missiles that blow up upon impact. This new move is perfect to go alongside some of her attacks especially with the above-mentioned fusion cannons as it deals some serious damage within a small radius.
Game pundits, on the other hand, stated that Blizzard may well seem to pull D.Va away from being a tank character and push her towards being a harasser. The post also stated that the developer aims in reducing her dependence on her Defense Matrix adding that they want to "make her more fun to play."
As of late, Blizzard has yet to disclose a definite date as to when they'll be dishing out these changes on "Overwatch's" public testing realm (PTR). However, it is believed that Junkertown might be released sometime this week. Check out a video about the game here: