After much rumor and speculation, "Destiny 2" is being made available on PC. Until now, the "Destiny" series was only available on gaming platforms such as PS4, and Xbox One among others. However, a Digital copy of the game is in the making and will be available for purchase fairly soon. At the same time, a new Report suggests that the action gaming-series will end up being immensely popular in the coming days.

PC is performing well on the market

According to the research conducted by Super Data, it seems like "Destiny 2" PC version is going to end up selling around 4 to 5 million digital units for PC. This, according to the research, will reportedly take place over a span of three months. It is believed that the game is going to be a major hit especially because the fans were made to wait for so long.

The research is also based on how well "Destiny 1" fared when it was launched on the PC platform back in 2016. "Destiny 2’s" future results also depend upon how other AAA titles did in the same time period.

According to the research company, they have carefully evaluated the performance of all the game variants and have come to the conclusion that "Destiny 2" will be among the major hits compared to all.

Furthermore, the forecast has also considered Battlenet’s release on PC as well. After analyzing all the major digital download trends, the firm believes that "Destiny 2" PC version is doing well in terms of commercial success in the span of three months. Moreover, even the experts believe that the game is going to be a major hit. There is a lot of confidence that the game will do very well in the sales sector.

The fact that the PC gamer base is much larger than the one that exists in the console base, also further attests to the possibility of success.

There are a lot of PC users who’d prefer purchasing the game for their immersive gaming experience. The game essentially surrounds the original story-idea itself. No new characters are expected to be added to the game.

Customers can buy the game from other platforms too

A report by GameSpot has claimed that "Destiny 2" will be available for purchase through Blizzard’s service. The game is scheduled to launch sometime in September for both, PS4 and Xbox One gaming platforms. The PC version of the game will be made available at an earlier date during August. The pricing details regarding the game haven’t been made available as yet.