As Sony announced the recent increase in PS Plus subscription for Europe and Australia, let's see just how it differs from the U.S. price, which rolled out in September last year. According to the PlayStation Blog, the subscription price in the U.S. increased to $59.99 for the yearly subscription and $24.99 to those who opted for the 3-month subscription. Meanwhile, the monthly subscription fee of $9.99 USD was retained.

Sony, in a statement, said this marks the first price increase of the PS Plus subscription in the United States since the feature was launched. The reason for the increase reflects the "current market condition" that forces the company to announce a price hike.

Now, it's Europe and Australia that will experience the increase from $47.00 up to $58.75 and the 3-month subscription at $17.62 to $23.49. To all the players who still wish to get a cheaper price from Sony's best games, here's the best option for you before the price increases. Round up online stores that currently sell the best PS Plus subscription rates and download a year's worth of games.

This way, you can still enjoy the games at a lower price.

Advantage of having a PS Plus membership

The PlayStation Plus membership has been part of Sony's gaming features and it's Microsoft counterpart is Xbox Games with Gold. Members are entitled to big discounts on triple "A" games as well as access to new games prior to everyone who aren't members of the feature. Every month, Sony also releases free games for the PS4, PS3, and PS Vita gaming platforms as treat to their loyal members.

Just recently, Sony announced the latest titles that arrived on the PS Plus feature and they include "Just Cause 3," "Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry," and "Dreadnought." For the PS3 players, two titles were released, mainly "Snakeload" and "Supermother Load." Let's not forget about PS Vita players as Sony released two titles for the platform that includes "Downwell" and "Level 22."

What to do next?

Despite the looming PS Plus Price increase, fans are still assured of their best game options when it comes to pricing.

Being a member of the PlayStation Plus brings an array of discounts to fans and that's why many still opt to subscribe. Besides the price, the exclusive games offered are usually beyond anyone's expectations. Some of the greatest games created for the PlayStation were first experienced by PlayStation Plus members.

Currently, Australia and Europe members still enjoying the current price of the Sony subscription. The company is making the announcement ahead of time in order for players to act accordingly and download the games they want before the price increase takes effect.