It seems like EA is aiming to go the extra mile to impress their fans this year with more surprise content and features. It was reported that a lot of FPS fans were somewhat disappointed with the original “Star Wars Battlefront” back in 2015. The lack of a single-player campaign and paid expansion DLCs did not sit well with a lot of gamers during that time. This time around, the developer seems to be preparing more stuff for their highly-anticipated sequel, “Star Wars Battlefront Ii”.

Other than the confirmed single-player campaign, the company has apparently taken a cue from other FPS games like “Overwatch” and “Rainbow Six Siege” and will feature its own loot crate system.

A surprise in every box

The “Star Wars Battlefront II” loot crate feature was recently featured in an alpha gameplay video from BattlefrontUpdates, according to reports. EA possibly wants to entice more players who are still on the fence about the sequel with the new reward system. Industry analysts have concluded that this practice does encourage players to continue playing the game for more incentives. Therefore, the developer wants to take advantage of this feature for the sci-fi shooter sequel.

It was noted that players can purchase these crates using the in-game credits. These can be earned by playing the game and completing matches or certain missions. It was also confirmed that gamers can earn a special crate daily just by signing-in the game. Additionally, other users who prefer to use their actual money to purchase these boxes can do so via micro-transactions just like other titles. Unfortunately, the video did not elaborate further on the price and other details.

Star Cards and crafting

Each randomly generated reward from the loot crates can possibly reward players with Star Cards, more in-game credits, and crafting materials. Star Cards allow users to enhance their desired character with several perks for an advantage during battles.

It was also confirmed that duplicate items are automatically converted into crafting materials, which can be used to upgrade an owned card’s rarity.

It should be noted that the loot system might generate frustration from casual players since others might just purchase the boxes using actual money. This, in turn, will surely give them an advantage over those earning the rewards via in-game credits. EA is surely aware of this possibility and should have a system in place to avoid balance issues.

Star Wars Battlefront II” is scheduled to hit retailers on Nov. 17, 2017, for the PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One. A recent report confirmed that alpha keys for the PC version of the game have started going out already.