One of the biggest reveals during EA’s E3 press conference today was “Star Wars Battlefront II.” The announcement about the game today gave essential details about the game’s single-player story mode. Aside from this, the revelation made today promised massive content three: times more than the previous game installment. It appears that the team is now, through this upcoming title, responding to the criticisms hurled at the first "Battlefront" game.
Single player campaign
The single player campaign of “Star Wars Battlefront II” will be set between the end of “Return of the Jedi” and the start of “The Force Awakens.” Those expecting to see more of Darth Vader, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Emperor Palpatine will be a little disappointed as they will not be in the upcoming title. With the game’s timeline, most of the fans’ favorite characters in the sixth Star Wars installment are dead. It is rather interesting to see how and where the team behind the game will take the entire campaign.
During the EA’s E3 press conference, the team underlined that the upcoming game will include three epochs of "Star Wars." The player can take the role of a clone trooper, battle droid, and a rebel pilot.
He can also be a resistance storm trooper in the entire stretch of the multiplayer content.
'The Last Jedi'
The introduction of multiple theme content dubbed as Seasons is one of the highlights of the announcements. This will take the place of the paid season pass but will come free this time. The first season is scheduled to arrive in December 2017. It will feature content founded on the upcoming movie, “Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi.”
During the show, EA also held a live multiplayer match. Moreover, Joh Boyega,”The Last Jedi’s” Finn, announced that Captain Phasma and Finn will be a part of the DLC characters in the game. Characters coming into the game after the official release will be free. This is a remarkable move from EA.
Aside from that, a new planet, dubbed as Crait, will also be introduced into the game. Space maps for the planet D’Qar will be featured in this first season. More planets, vehicles, heroes, modes, and weapons will also arrive in the game’s future seasons.
Things are getting interesting and from the recent announcements, it appears that “Star Wars Battlefront II” is a slight departure from the first installment. The free downloadable content could only mean that players will be kept engaged. EA’s upcoming game will be launched on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 on November 7. Below is the latest trailer released at the EA’s press conference.