The release of new episodes of Justin Rolland and Dan Harmon’s hit animated series “Rick and Morty” may still be up in the air at the moment, but that doesn’t mean that Rick Sanchez and the gang won’t be invading our dimension any time soon. The creators of the show have apparently partnered with several video game properties to bring the show’s characters into their games.

Invading the league

According to a recently published update on, it was revealed that players of the popular vehicular soccer simulation video game will soon be able to equip different items that are directly based on the famous characters from the hit Adult Swim television series.

Gamers will be able to equip free car antennas that include characters such as Morty, Rick, Mr. Poopy Butthole, Mr. Meeseeks, and the galactic reality singing contest enthusiast, Cromulon. Additionally, players can also equip sweet new rims called the “Sanchez DC-137," as well as use a new “Interdimensional GB” rocket boost. All of the items will be made available for all "Rocket League" players starting July 5. The exclusive “Rick and Morty” items can be acquired for free as standard loot drops in offline and online matches.

Other appearances

Aside from invading “Rocket League,” the cartoon characters are also set to appear in three other games in the coming weeks.

Rick and Morty have been confirmed to appear in two cult-classic multiplayer games, namely “Move Or Die” and “Gang Beats.” Different characters from the show will be available as free skins within the games. The exclusive skins are currently available for “Move or Die” players, while the release of the exclusive skins for “Gang Beasts” has yet to be announced.

Those who want to spruce up their virtual homes with famous characters from the show can now do so via Steam VR Home. Mr. Meeseeks is available for players who want to add him to any part of their virtual homes.

Season 3 episodes

Aside from the surprise release of the premiere episode of the third season back in April, fans are still in the dark when it comes to when the other episodes of the hit show will be released.

However, a livestream event has been announced, taking place on June 29, which promises to reveal more details about the release of additional “Rick and Morty” episodes. Until then, players can still catch some of their favorite characters in their favorite video game titles.