Blizzard is banning Selfless Gaming DPS Daniel "Dafran" Francesca from all its sanctioned events all throughout the competitive season five and is currently deemed ineligible to participate in #Overwatch #Contenders seasons zero one.

Known for his troll antics, Dafran is caught simultaneously playing erotic cat girl visual novel Nekoparra and Overwatch in a recent game stream. Blizzard's action takes effect after confirming that the professional player intends to kickoff Overwatch matches. His motive to throw a game has been confirmed because he was clearly captured saying his intent in the video stream.

Blizzard issues a statement

Following their action on the #Pro gamer's case, Blizzard issued an official statement regarding the banning incident. The post on the Overwatch Contender site says, "We have found out that Dafran, from Overwatch Contenders team Selfless, has violated Rule 7.0 (Conduct) of the Overwatch Contenders Ruleset, which states the following: All competitors and spectators are required to act in a respectful sportsmanlike manner at all times,"

Meanwhile, the Selfless team will be allowed to participate in Overwatch Contenders if a substitute player will take over the vacant role.

The professional player will be suspended from Selfless for the time being. Although the said player will no longer play with the team, he will remain under their assistance in finding help, counseling, and guidance to improve his emotional and mental well-being, Selfless wrote in a statement.

In the meantime, Selfless is looking for a replacement to take over their vacant slot for the remainder of Overwatch Contenders season zero. But the ace team promises to wait for 23-year-old player's comeback and hopes that he returns "stronger and better than ever."

Why the ban?

Prior to this report, the young professional gamer has been involved in another word war frenzy by responding to a trolling allegation posted at Twitlonger.

He wrote that he does not "give a s**t" about himself and his gaming career. He also ranted that these readers should "go f**k" themselves.

Moreover, Dafran announced his intention for reform and "stop trolling" because his actions are already taking a toll on his teammates and their organization.

In the end, he accepted the punishment imposed onto him by Blizzard tweeting, I reap what I sow and I deserve this.

This incident serves as a warning to every Overwatch community member especially those shares a spot in the highlight that troll behavior and unruly sportsmanship will not be tolerated by Blizzard community guidelines.