Some people love Corned Beef Hash, and some people really love it. Therefore, they have a very good reason to celebrate on September 27 because it is National Corned Beef Hash Day. That dish has been around since 1950 when the Hormel Company first introduced it to the United States. Cooks love coming up with their dish because the ingredients are left over from previous meals.

How dish got its name

Despite its name, there is no beef in it, and there is no corn in it. The word "hash" comes from the French word "hacher" that means "to chop." Therefore, it is easy to understand that corned beef hash is made from chopping leftover meat and potatoes and adding spices to season the dish.

During World War II fresh meat was rationed because it was scarce, but the corned meat was so plentiful that the hash became a popular breakfast food that was commonly served with fried eggs and toast.

The recipe

The dish is very easy to make with leftover meat as the main ingredient. After two large white potatoes are cooked, they are cut into small cubes.Two tablespoonfuls of butter are melted in a large skillet along with two tablespoonfuls of olive oil. The potato cubes are added and cooked until they are golden brown and crusty. Be careful to turn them over so they won't burn. Chop one large onion and crush two garlic cloves and saute them in the skillet for five minutes. Cube one red pepper and one green pepper and add to skillet.

Cook for about two more minutes. The last step is to add 12 ounces of cubed corned beef and cook for an additional 10 minutes. Turn the ingredients over to make sure they are mixed together and crusty all over.

Many people serve the meal with sunny-side-up eggs even though boiled eggs also make good companions. The breakfast dish tastes good and will fill you up fast, and you won't get hungry until lunchtime.

Even though it is typically eaten for breakfast, there is no law that says it can't be eaten any time of the day.

While in college, one student said the only time she would get up early enough to go to the cafeteria for breakfast was on the days corned beef hash and boiled eggs were served. Today, she doesn't take the time to make it herself even though the recipe is quick and easy.

Instead, she buys it in cans from the grocery store. She has to be careful because the cans are right next to the roast beef hash. While the two dishes are similar, she prefers the one she fell in love with during her college days.