Since summer is just around the corner, many beachgoers may be looking for safe, fast, and effective ways to lose weight and keep it off. Although surgery may be an option for those who are grossly obese, the best way to lose weight is still the right eating plan and exercise. Since 80 percent of losing weight is the right diet, using superfoods to turbocharge metabolism can help dieters lose the weight faster and keep it off.

One of the latest superfoods to get a revival is Apple Cider Vinegar.

What is the benefit to apple cider vinegar?

Fox News reported that Mia Stern, a certified holistic wellness counselor, and natural food chef, said that dieters needed to drink it in a glass of water twice a day before meals to get the benefits. She said that it would help to break down food, especially carbohydrates. Stern also said that carbohydrates that weren't effectively broken down and used for energy would eventually be stored as fat. Apple cider vinegar may also act as a probiotic as well as block the absorption of starch.

Frances Largeman-Roth, RD, who wrote the book Eating in Color argued against apple cider vinegar as a magic pill because it could affect blood sugar in diabetics. Although Largeman-Roth said that it was perfectly safe for dieters to use this food, those who had diabetes should talk to their doctors first since failing to regulate blood sugar could lead to serious illness or death. Only one study so far and published in Japan in 2009, Largeman-Roth said, has shown including this food in a person's diet may contribute to weight loss.

Superfoods that contribute to weight loss

MSN reported that there are many foods that make it easier to lose weight. In one study conducted in 2003 and published in the International Journal of Obesity, almonds helped reduce waist circumference by 50% and showed a 62 percent weight loss.

Apple cider vinegar was also cited as a superfood although the research showed that there had been more than one study. In one study, published in the Journal of Agriculture Chemistry and Food, those who used it had 10 percent less body fat. Adding a tablespoon to a glass of water before meals help dieters feel fuller while eating fewer calories. It may also help with digestion and lower blood sugar. Other foods to consider included avocado oil, bone broth, cheese, chili peppers, coconut oil, eggs, leafy greens, lean meat, and grapefruit. Dieters need to consider these foods as part of an overall weight loss plan.