Top 5 most disappointing video games of 2021

"Balan Wonderworld: True Happiness is an Adventure" (Image source: PlayStation/YouTube)
"Balan Wonderworld: True Happiness is an Adventure" (Image source: PlayStation/YouTube)

It's Mid-2021 and there are already a ton of disappointing video games to wade through, here are a few

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Another year, another list of disappointing video games for folks to steer clear of. It’s mid-2021 so far, and there are already a ton of such games to strike off a list. Some were surprising to many, while others were quite predictable.

Although the world seems well on its way to recovery, there will surely be some more of these titles on the way further down the year. So, for now, here’s a shortlist of those games that have been deemed the most disappointing of the bunch so far.


'Werewolf The Apocalypse: Earthblood'

Board games becoming video games is a fairly popular trend in the gaming industry. But if titles like ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ have taught the masses anything, it’s that this doesn’t always go smoothly. The latest was ‘Werewolf The Apocalypse: Earthbound,’ an RPG that crashed and burned due to a culmination of clunky combat, a repetitive mission structure, and a bland protagonist.


'Taxi Chaos'

It’s almost impossible to accept ‘Taxi Chaos’ as a true spiritual successor to the classic ‘Crazy Taxi.’ While the game appears to pay homage to its predecessor, it possessed neither the spirit nor the success to do so. The art style and crazy driving felt somewhat bland in comparison. Therefore, it won’t scratch that nostalgic itch for ‘Crazy Taxi’ fans as promised.

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