From Brown to Wroten,13 notable former NBA players taking part in The Basketball Tournament

Joe Johnson will be playing for Overseas Elite. [Image Source: Flickr | LA CANVAS]
Joe Johnson will be playing for Overseas Elite. [Image Source: Flickr | LA CANVAS]

Joe Johnson made seven NBA All-Star teams and will take part in The Basketball Tournament

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On July 4, The Basketball Tournament (TBT) will return. According to ESPN, it will be a 10-day tournament with 24 teams that will take place in Columbus, Ohio.

Some of the players who will take part will be familiar names to big fans of the NBA. Here are 13 of the more notable former NBA players who will take part in the tournament which includes a seven-time All-Star. Jimmer Fredette is not listed as he has not confirmed if he will take part, and Trey Burke denied the rumor that he will play for Carmen’s Crew.


Bobby Brown, Overseas Elite

Brown went 6.5 years between NBA appearances (returned in 2016 after last playing in March of 2010) and played 45 games total for the Rockets in 2016-17 and 2017-18.


Markel Brown, Stillwater Stars

As a rookie, Brown started 29 of his 47 appearances in 2014-15 with the Nets and reached double figures in scoring six times.

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