New Zealand: Seven bans or proposed bans in the country in the past year

New Zealand banned semi-automatic guns. Other bans include vaping - Image credit - betexion | Pixabay
New Zealand banned semi-automatic guns. Other bans include vaping - Image credit - betexion | Pixabay

After the Christchurch mosque killings, New Zealand's quickly moving on banning semi-automatic guns. Here's five other bans from the last year.

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New Zealand bans single-use plastic bags

In September last year, the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, announced the beginning of phasing out single-use plastics, reported. The banning of plastic shopping bags will take one year to fully implement. Retailers failing to comply will face fines of up to UD$66,000.


New Zealand bans granting new offshore oil exploration permits

In April last year, the Guardian reported that the country would ban any further offshore oil exploration. They cited PM Jacinda Ardern as saying it would take around 30 years to become fully effective.


Bans on vaping proposed

New Zealand is hugely down on smoking tobacco products. In November 2018, Stuff NZ reported that they were extending it to a proposed ban on "vaping in bars, restaurants, schools and workplaces in New Zealand."

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