5 fun facts: Life's full of interesting oddities like the day with no news

5 fun facts to brighten your day - Image credit - Geralt | Pixabay
5 fun facts to brighten your day - Image credit - Geralt | Pixabay

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is a real word, and a nurdle fight was settled.

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Fun word that means something

BestLife dug around to find some fun facts that also offer a bit of education. They came up with the word "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia." It actually means the fear of long words. If you're reading this, you probably don't suffer from that! Incredibly, it's not the longest word in the English dictionary as you can see in this tweet.


The day with no news

Once upon a time there came a day with no news. The BBC reported that back on April 18, 1930 there really was no news. The announcer said, "There is no news." The prime news time then skipped out for the rest of the 15-minute segment and played piano music instead.

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