'KUWTK': Kylie Jenner's Stormiworld birthday party for Stormi, 5 reactions from Twitter

Twitter reacts to Kylie Jenner's burthday party extravaganza for Stormi - Image credit TMZ via karenfadus | Twitter
Twitter reacts to Kylie Jenner's burthday party extravaganza for Stormi - Image credit TMZ via karenfadus | Twitter

Followers on social media deliver lots of memes and reactions about the extravaganza.

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Kylie Jenner celebrated the first birthday of her daughter Stormi this weekend. Actually, the "KUWTK" family birthday came later than her actual birth as Scott was involved in the Super Bowl on February 1, TMZ noted. They wrote about the party: "The entrance-way is unreal, and leads to a fairy tale setting with hot air balloons, rainbows, dancing pixies and much much more." Stormi started trending on Twitter, and thousands of people had a lot to say about it. Below, you will find some of the best Twitter reactions.


Stormi got her first Chanel bag at one-year-old

Stormi got a bag made by Chanel and fans were feeling sad that they never ever got one. This post shows how they felt.


Fans wonder about the expenses

TMZ said it was an "epic bash" literally, the entire back lot of Universal Studios.


Those uninvited people

Of course, most viewers could only wish they could have fun at Stormiworld.

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