5 possible causes of bad breath and not all of them are from poor hygiene

5 surprising causes of bad breath that will amaze you. [Image Credit: Kreatikar / Pixabay]
5 surprising causes of bad breath that will amaze you. [Image Credit: Kreatikar / Pixabay]

Bad breath could indicate problems with the health of the individual dealing who has it.

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Bad breath occurs when bacteria act on the particles of food in the mouth, according to the Mayo Clinic. When the food particles are broken down, sulphuric compounds are produced, giving off an offensive odor.

Generally, it is believed that poor oral hygiene is the primary cause of bad breath. However, you may have bad breath for other reasons.

Most often, bacteria are responsible for the offensive smell in the mouth. Nevertheless, there are some health conditions which may be responsible for the problem such as; diabetes, infection of the tonsils, polycystic kidney disease, lupus nephritis, kidney cancer, liver disease, pneumonia, sinusitis, and blood disorders.


Mouth breathing

Breathing via the mouth for a long time may lead to a dry mouth. This is because the production of saliva which helps to keep the mouth moist, clean, and pathogen-free has been reduced.


Poor oral hygiene

Saliva production during sleep slows down drastically and, in the case of poor oral hygiene before sleep, the bacteria in the mouth would act on the food particles in between our teeth, thereby causing bad breath and cavities.

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