5 Celebrities with December 3 birthdays

Singer Ozzy Osbourne is among the celebrities with a December 3 birthday. [Image via Ozzy Osbourne/YouTube screencap]
Singer Ozzy Osbourne is among the celebrities with a December 3 birthday. [Image via Ozzy Osbourne/YouTube screencap]

If your birthday is Monday, December 3 there are some famous people that you might not know share this day with you.

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Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy rose to fame with the rock/metal band Black Sabbath and also has solo success. He's also been a reality TV star before many of them were even born, thanks to MTV. Ozzy turned 70 on Monday.


Julianne Moore

Moore has bee nominated plenty of times for movies, and finally won an Oscar in 2015 for her performance in the film "Still Alice." She officially turned 58 as of Monday.


Tiffany Haddish

Haddish turned 38 on Monday. The comedian and actress has been in films and movies including "Girl's Trip," "Uncle Drew," "Night School," and "Nobody's Fool."

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