Twitter reacts to Donald Trump's campaign releasing anti-media press release after bombs

A Trump campaign employee. - [ / YouTube screencap]
A Trump campaign employee. - [ / YouTube screencap]

Brad Parscale is running the Trump campaign the way you might think and Twitter wasn't pleased today of all days (October 24).

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Blasting News

After bombs were sent to several prominent Democrats and some media outlets, the Trump Campaign issued an anti-media release. That brought some rather sharp responses to the move on Twitter.


Trump campaign's response

After the Trump campaign realized how bad the timing of the release was, they issued a statement on Twitter.


Fair question

The very first response to Brad Parscale's tweet made a fair point. Bashing the media on any other day, is apparently just business as usual, most other days.


The timing really isn't the issue

Another Twitter user made it clear if others hadn't. The timing of a release attacking the media isn't really the problem.

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