Let’s face it: Most of us don’t give much thought to our Urine before we flush it down the toilet. But, the basic details of your urine -- including the color, smell, and how often you go -- can give hints as to what's going on inside your body. As it turns out, you can learn a lot about what’s going on inside your body by examining what comes out.

Urine is your body’s liquid waste, and it is made up of water, salt, and chemicals called urea and uric acid. The pigments and chemical compounds in the foods you eat and the medications you take also alter the color of your urine.

These changes are fairly standard and typically don’t last long. Certain changes in color may be a sign of an underlying medical condition.

What different urine colors say about people’s well-being

Bright yellow urine: This may look alarming, especially when your urine glows in the dark, but don't worry -- bright yellow urine is likely due to vitamins, specifically, vitamins B and beta-carotene.

Orange pee: This color of urine can be caused by drugs such as antibiotic rifampicin and pain relief drugs. Some laxatives and chemotherapy agents can also change the color of urine. Your diet can also contribute, including a high intake of carrots, blackberries, beetroot, etc., because of the substance called carotene that these vegetables contain.

Amber-colored or dark yellow pee: This urine color suggests that you are not drinking enough water, and, therefore, are not hydrated.

Green urine: Although seeing green-colored urine may look alarming to you, it is usually harmless, and occurs as a result of eating particular foods which have artificial colorings such as asparagus.

In some cases, green urine may mean a genetic disease called familial hypercalcemia which ultimately leads to abnormally high calcium levels.

Brown urine: According to LIvehack, Porphyria is a rare class of disorder that typically involves sensitivity to light and can sometimes lead to brownish pee due to the way red blood cells are broken down in people with the condition.

It's also important to note that if your brown pee is accompanied by rashes, seizures, or abdominal pain, see your doctor immediately.

What is the color of normal urine?

Everyone has a different “normal” when it comes to the color of urine. However, this deals mostly with the yellow spectrum. The amount of water you drink determines if it will be pale yellow or Dark Yellow. People who drink less water have dark yellow urine, whilst those who drink more water have pale yellow urine.