The USA National Forcast predicted that temperatures from February through April would be colder than normal on the East Coast. Those individuals waiting to say "Spring has sprung" and break out warm weather fashions may have to wait for a little longer this year. March 21 is the official day that the winter season will be over, but if the predictions are correct, this is no indicator that 80-degree temperatures are around the corner. The cooler atmosphere is expected to remain so anyone wanting to don lighter fabric on April 1 for Easter Sunday may be out of luck.
Thus far, the forecast has been accurate as February was pretty brutal and March came roaring forward, like a lion, with nor' easter storms.
Technology means increasing accuracy with forecasts
— Cheryl E Preston (@CherylPreston58) March 13, 2018
In previous decades, the TV weatherman was not always correct in forecasting a day's temperatures or the chance of precipitation. There were times when they completely missed the mark, regarding the weather, just as there were days when they were right on the money. Rain would be forecast and the day would be filled with sunshine. During spring, warm weather would be predicted only to have the temperature drop low and the wind blow heavily.
— Cheryl E Preston (@CherylPreston58) March 13, 2018
Today's technology, however, enables forecasters to be a lot more accurate when predicting weather patterns. For this reason, along with the fact that they have been correct thus far in 2018, East Coast citizens should brace themselves for colder than normal temperatures through April.
This means, don't get out your summer clothing just yet, even if there are a few warmer days.
More than half of East Coast to see colder temperatures
— Cheryl E Preston (@CherylPreston58) March 13, 2018
According to the climate predictor, the outlook for spring on the East Coast is pretty certain and two-thirds of the region will experience temperatures that are below average for spring.
The reason given for this weather pattern is the weak El Nino that arrived in January. According to Todd Crawford, chief meteorologist for WSI the effects of the El Nino are waning but the weather pattern is pretty certain.
— Cheryl E Preston (@CherylPreston58) March 13, 2018
Conversely, the West Coast is expected to experience higher than normal temperatures this spring because a high-pressure ridge will protect the area from artic air. If you live on the East Coast or plan on visiting, keep this weather prediction in mind and expect cooler temperatures through April. There is no need to despair, because warmer weather is right around the corner and eventually you will be able to say that "Spring has sprung."