To truly understand Emotions and the ways in which they influence our thoughts and behaviors, you have to examine the common Myths about emotions that you have bought into either consciously or subconsciously.
Myths are basically stories that we have been conditioned to believe, to never question, and to simply assume they are real and the truth. When some of the myths people have come to believe about emotions are triggered, they can become the dictators of that person's behavior and cause them to react to a situation in ineffective, unhelpful, and even destructive ways.
Given the prevalence of myths surrounding emotions in our society, it is important to generate new, factual, and true beliefs about emotions to dispute the myths.
Myths and Counterstatements
1. There is a right way to feel in every situation.
Every single person is unique, therefore, their emotional reactions will be unique as well. Furthermore, feelings are neither right nor wrong in the first place. They simply are.
2. Letting people know when I am feeling bad is a weakness.
Having the ability to effectively ask for help or support when you need it is actually a sign of strength. Having and being in tune enough with your inner intuition to know when to ask is a skill.
3. Uncomfortable or painful feelings are bad and destructive.
Emotions serve as an important source of information and can even provide direction in regard to what you should do in a situation. Even uncomfortable or painful emotions happen for a reason.
4. Being emotional means being out of control.
Many people equate being emotional with acting emotional, potentially in destructive ways. In reality, experiencing urges with your feelings is a natural part of being human. However, no matter how strong the urge you are experiencing may be you do not have to act on it at all.
5. If other people do not approve of how I am feeling, I should not be feeling that way.
There is no right or wrong way to feel in any given situation.
You are the only person who can determine how you should feel.
While every person's myths regarding emotions are unique to that individual person, those are some of the more commonly accepted and perpetuated myths in our society and culture. Many of those myths have been a part of our thinking patterns and of our lives beginning at a very young age.
Breaking free from myths
The key to preventing myths about emotions from affecting your thoughts and behaviors is to identify your own myths, figure out what triggers them, and then challenge and fight them with healthy statements about emotions.