Get over "The Simpsons" and "Family Guy" - There is a new family in town! This daffy comedy show has developed a cult status, and rightfully so. The burger family is not your average American family...or maybe it is. Famed all over the world for its eccentric characters, this comedy certainly deserves the crazy high rating it has received from critics.
Filled with quirks and anarchic humor, there is not a single deadpan moment in the show.
With a not so welcoming start, the show started peaking all charts by the time it entered its third season and since then has been met with overwhelming success. The Belcher family has become the new best thing about television!
It’s easy to say that conventions all over the world have been flooded with "Bob’s Burgers" Cosplay. There are infinite ideas on Pinterest and innumerable posts on Reddit which have inspired many fans and followers alike.
However, in the army of many, these are our top choices:
#1 Hormonal Tina
This undoubtedly tops the list as the most insane cosplay in the history of mankind - we present to you the idiosyncratic Tina whose bursting pre-teen hormones pretty much make her drool over everybody.
#2 Tina’s Sweetheart — Jimmy Pesto Jr
This impeccable cosplay is certainly one of our top favorites! Tina’s first love, Jimmy Pesto Jr, is the perfect nemesis the show could’ve created for our adored Bob! This cosplay is precisely the reason why.
#3 Tammy and Jocelyn
We dare you to pull a better cosplay. The high school will never be the same!
#4 The Talented Gene
Is there anything better than a keyboard playing burger? Here’s a cosplay of a guy who decided one fine day that he wanted to be one of Bob’s Burgers. Supremely on point, Gene won’t be able to say no to this display of perfection...minus the facial hair.
#5 Nothing Like Louise
Would you look at that smile? This #cosplay is brilliant - That part cunning part adorable smile encaptures the best Louise one could pull off.
You’ve got to agree, she does look like a girl who would tell the world that her dad’s burgers are made of human flesh.
#6 The Best Belchers
We refuse to believe that is it humanly possible to play a better Tina than this guy did in this adorable #cosplay family picture right here. Once you’re done vacillating between awwing and giggling, please squint your eyes and look closely at our real-life belchers. The best #burgerfamily cosplay to ever roam the alleys of the internet.
We present to you - The Belchers!
#7 The Entire Cast
The extent to which this group has gone to cosplay out a living replica of the cast of "Bob’s Burgers" is awe-worthy. From Gene to the Ta-Tas, they fit just right in the picture. They have managed to recreate the very element of joy and togetherness amalgamated with a ton of humor that the show is loved for. Way to go, guys!