Electric Cars do not pollute the atmosphere, and they will be the vehicles of the future. The focus of manufacturers is on how best to control Global warming, and the electric car is an answer. Most of the leading car manufacturers have drawn up their plans to meet the demands. New concepts are emerging like car-sharing, ride-hailing and driverless cars with entertainment, information and communications services. Obviously, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a major role.
New Zealand Herald reports that the impact of electric cars will be evident from the number of such cars sold in the period from January to September 2017.
While the United States sold around 140,000, the corresponding figures for China were nearly 234,000 as per data provided by HIS Markit. The figures reveal a positive trend in the market.
China leads the revolution
According to Jim Burkhard, head of crude oil markets at IHS Markit, the world will witness major changes in the industry and artificial intelligence will become indispensable. This will be especially true for driverless technologies. He adds that there is still a waiting period for driverless cars or autonomous vehicle (AV) because development is continuing and the buyer has to accept the idea.
At present, China is occupying the prime position as the world's largest market for electric cars.
The country hopes to transform global business models, improve road safety conditions, and reduce global warming by cutting down pollution levels. Shanghai has taken the initiative to open China’s first driverless vehicle pilot zone and vehicles are undergoing various types of tests.
Artificial intelligence is the future
Tesla is a California based car manufacturer owned by Elon Musk and it is dedicated to the cause of fighting global warming.
The firm is into electric cars in a big way to help the cause. Google is also in the fray and is carrying out road tests of its driverless cars. These rely on artificial intelligence, which is used extensively in many applications. The robot is an example of AI and robotics will dictate the world of the future. Robots can operate 24-7, throughout the year, as the Mars Curiosity rover has been doing for more than five years on a distant planet.
Climate change is a matter of concern for the whole world and nearly 200 countries have agreed to reduce the greenhouse gasses. They have signed the 2015 Paris accord and have committed to fighting the evils of global warming. Since fossil fuels are responsible for the CO2 emission, vehicles that use such fuels have to switch over to alternates like electricity, which is clean energy, free from pollutants. In fact, some countries have announced a ban on fossil fuels after a certain period, when electric cars will take over.