Five Unusual gifts for Christmas - Can you get them in two days? They're on Amazon!

1) Cool tent for sleeping on top of your car. If you from the west coast, you can rent a minivan from JUCY RV rentals. You can sleep in it or on the roof! Lift the tailgate and there's a kitchen. Best part, you can park it anywhere during the day. Sleep anywhere at night. Amazon has some cool tents that mount on top of your SUV.

Read the reviews, and you learn that people have been researching them for years before finding the best one. Find a field, park the car and set up the tent on top. Some have rooms on the ground. Need ideas where to camp? Five best spots for camping.

2) Shipping container houses. Have you seen the programs on the Home Improvement channels? Forty foot containers turned into homes. Now for sale on Amazon. For less than $15 you can buy the plans and create one yourself. Amazon also sells one that's fully remodeled. Or buy a mobile home. Or build a small cabin. Tiny houses a trend for the millennial.

Tyrannosaurus leg found in Texas could be in your office display case

3) Real Tyrannosaurus leg, #triceratops bone, or a piece of the Dinosaur Era for you. When was the last time you had a real dinosaur bone under the #Christmas tree? Something that is 65 million years old! You can give a piece of the enormous three-horned triceratops, the dinosaur every kid plays with when given a package of dinosaurs. Triceratops lived in South Dakota! The bones have become fossilized & all of the rocks and stones found were pieces of triceratops bones. Affordable gift - 1 inch piece of genuine Triceratops bone from millions of years ago with a cute hand carved stone Triceratops. Other dinosaur fossils available on Amazon – Dinosaur footprints, Triceratops teeth, bones or oviraptor egg shells!

Buy all of them and start to rebuild the dinosaur in your backyard.

4) It’s snowing outside, but you feel like swimming in the ocean, or perhaps a quick dive into the swimming pool. Project the water onto the ceiling and yule be scuba diving in bed. ... the water images are available on things like the Multicolor Ocean Waves Projection LED Lamp & Speaker.

You're watching them open your card and a butterfly pops out

5) Huh?? What was that? Open a Christmas or holiday card and a butterfly comes flying out! It’s a magic trick or prank, but it brings a bit of comedy to opening Christmas #gifts. Adam's Pranks has the video, offering one for $6.97 on prime. If you look for a pack of four from Frivvy, it's $3.85 plus shipping.

The video shows the butterfly in a book, the jolly child opens the book and the butterfly flies out. Not a real butterfly, but the effect looks the same. It could be funny.Everything's on Amazon.

Spend your Christmas gift money on something fun!