Diabetics often struggle to keep their blood sugar under control on regular days. This can be even harder during the festivities of the holidays. Even so, they can still enjoy Christmas along with everyone else. They do not have to refrain from eating and drinking altogether. However, there are some things they can do to manage the disease that millions of people have. Even though the winter holidays can be quite challenging for people with diabetes, there are four major areas a diabetic needs to consider.


Eating is part of the fun during the holidays, and Diabetics don't have to miss out.

Food is everywhere. In fact, some seasonal foods are available mostly during that time. It is no secret that there will be a lot of unhealthy dishes at parties and dinners, but there are ways not to overindulge.

It is much easier for the ones giving the party or hosting the dinner because they can manage what they eat and drink. Guests who are going to the dinner or party can plan in advance by eating a snack before they go. The snack will fill them up without raising their blood sugar and they won't be as hungry at the party.

Diabetics who are invited to a holiday party should ask if they can take a dish. A vegetable tray with a low-carbohydrate dip is a great suggestion. Diabetics can choose to take only a small portion of the other dishes on the table, especially the carbs.

Having a small piece of piece of cake or pie will not do much harm if the person with the disease is taking medication and exercising. Even if there is a high reading once or twice over the holidays, the readings will not affect long-term diabetes management.


If a diabetic knows he is going out later, he shouldn't drink alcoholic beverages or soda at home because alcohol is available at almost all holiday celebrations.

It is a myth that diabetics should not drink at all, but remember that alcohol counts as a serving of carbohydrates. Men with diabetes are allowed to have a maximum of two drinks, but women with diabetes can have only one drink in a 24-hour period. It is wise for them not to drink on an empty stomach because that will cause the blood sugar levels of someone with Type 2 diabetes to go too low.


Sleep should not be sacrificed during the holiday. After all, diabetics don't have to attend every party they are invited to. If they do go, they don't have to be the last to leave. They should choose an appropriate time to leave, and get plenty of sleep when they get home.


Holidays can be stressful for some people. For diabetics, it should be avoided at all costs. Those with diabetes should plan well in advance so they do not have to rush around at the last minute. They should learn to delegate and carve out time to relax whenever they can so they can enjoy a stress-free holiday.