Elephant trophy hunters will rejoice as the ban on their import to America from Zambia and Zimbabwe is lifted. The United stated Fish and Wildlife Service spokesperson has said that this will help sports hunting in African countries to be included in their strategic management of these endangered species. This will in the long run uplift the economy of these countries.
This decision contradicts the one made by the former president of the United States.
The former head of State had initiated the ban in the year 2014 to curb the diminishing numbers of the elephant population. This wild animal appeared in the record of Endangered species hence its protection was highly required. In the 20th Century, the elephant population was huge as compared to the year 2016 with a number of approximately 350,000. This is just but a fraction if we compare the two periods.
Tusks are the main reason why elephants are hunted
According to a CNN report, Safari Club International which is a worldwide syndicate of hunters, have embraced the move by the United State to lift the ban on the import of these trophies from African countries.
This decision, on the contrary, has been opposed by the President and CEO of the Humane Society Wayne Pacelle. According to him, the elephants will fall prey to Americans who are rich. Poaching has reduced the elephant population by 30 percent between the years 2007 to 2014. This has resulted in elephant being declared an endangered species.
Coincidentally, Donald Jr. the son of President Donald Trump is a big game hunter. He has admitted having killed an elephant, the meat of which was later feasted on by the villagers. He further says the villagers were very happy for meat.
The fate of these animals is in danger
Many of these hunters enjoy game hunting from which they collect ivory as trophies to portray their expertise.
The ivory tusks from the elephants carry a very high market value in the market. The by-products of this ivory are also in demand. These by-products are exquisitely carved items made from ivory. The resultant of the loss of these animals in large numbers has led to banning being imposed on their killing. In spite of these restrictions imposed on big game hunting, poachers have advanced their hunting skills to avoid being caught by patrolling rangers. The poachers are able to kill the animals and within a very short time remove the ivory and escape, leaving the carcass to rot.
In a country like Kenya, illegal ivory trade led to burning of these trophies. This, according to the government, was to send a clear picture to international nations that ivory was only beautiful in the head of the elephant.