Apple introduced its third-generation Watch at the September 12 keynote event. In terms of looks, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of change. Significant enhancements have been included under the hood. The Watch’s primary highlight is that it supports 4G Lte. This means that the users will be able to make and receive calls and messages without having to connect the smartwatch to their iPhone devices.
With this, one of the most annoying aspects of the Apple Watch series has been solved.
Design: No major changes
When compared to the previous generation of Apple Watch, the new one does not carry an overhauled look. The dial is slightly thicker but is only visible if one looks carefully. The company hasn’t introduced newer colors or straps with the smartwatch yet.
New chip
The Apple Watch 3 works much faster, thanks to the new chipset. This particular aspect of the Watch is what helps it stand out. The device’s functionality is much faster than before. It features the Siri digital voice assistant.
Several Apple Watch 2 users have often complained about the lagging behavior of Siri. But Apple has improved this particular factor about the device. According to Engadget, Watch 3 will compete with Samsung Gear 3 in the high-end smartwatch. market.
Improved Maps, music
According to a report by Gadgets 360, Apple has specifically targeted the fitness groups with their latest innovation. Maps and Music apps on the device have received significant improvements. They function together to ensure that the fitness enthusiast can make optimum use. For instance, runners can utilize Maps’ functions for directions, fitness apps to record their steps, Music to keep them entertained and the heart rate sensor to keep a tap on the individual’s heartbeat.
Apple Watch 3 does not come cheap, that’s certain, but it does not carry a wallet-breaking price either. The 4G LTE version comes for a price of $399, and its standard variant comes for a price for $329. When Apple initially forayed into the smartwatch segment with Watch 1, it came for a price of $249. A few years down the line and a couple of major developments later, the new one comes for a price that is merely a $100 more expensive.
The Cupertino giant also launched three iPhone devices and a 4K TV at the event. Apple completes 10 years with its iPhone family. With the aim to celebrate this occasion, Apple tried to make the event as special as possible.