Xiaomi is working towards adding to its Redmi family with the launch of a new Note 5 smartphone. According to a report by Tech Radar, the handset will succeed last year’s Note 4 device. The phone is recently leaked on the FCC, US. The Chinese giant is apparently planning on introducing two different variants of the smartphone. Rumors pointed by Tech Radar suggest that the smartphone might feature a dual rear camera setup and an aspect ratio of 18:9. Apart from this, the smartphone might feature minimal bezels on the front panel. The phone will also release in the US.
It is expected to be available from December but the exact date of release is still not confirmed.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 chipset
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 was spotted on the Chinese social media website, Weibo. The handset was seen being powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 660 system-on-chip. Last year’s Redmi Note 4 included Snapdragon 630 chipset. On the basis of this, it was assumed that Redmi Note 5 might come included with Snapdragon 630. The company might, however, be planning on going a notch higher. This will obviously lead to a rise in the price of the smartphone as a whole.
Dual rear camera setup
It’s not like Xiaomi is integrating the dual rear camera setup on its smartphones for the first time.
The Chinese giant is bringing this feature to the Redmi series for the first time. The device-in-question is also being rumored to carry an aspect ratio of 18:9. This usually appears in high-end smartphones. Readers are advised to note that the Redmi series is usually targeted towards mid-rangers. Therefore, there are chances that this particular speculation might not end up turning out to be true.
Going on the line of specifics, the dual rear camera setup is speculated to boast a 16-megapixel and a 5-megapixel sensor. The front camera setup will probably boast of a 12-megapixel sensor.
Storage capacity
The smartphone is expected to be available in two storage options: 3GB and 4GB of RAM. Xiaomi might end up launching a 32GB and a 64GB RAM option.
The smartphone will be home to a massive 4,000mAh battery and will run on the latest Android OS.
Pricing and availability
The phone will fall in the mid-range smartphone category. Xiaomi’s Redmi Note 5 will probably be available at a starting price of $200 for 4GB RAM version. This will go on to extend up till $250 for 6GB RAM version. The pricing will vary with storage option to storage option. No information regarding the smartphone’s launch has been made available online as yet. The details about its availability are expected to emerge in the near future.