Do you know what the common thing between Gaddafi and Hitler is? Except for being mass murderers and #dictators, they both had a “gentler, softer” side – writing books. Here is a list of five books written by notorious tyrants. Let's look at them and who knows, we might find something extraordinary.
1. "The Green Book" by Muammar Gaddafi
Muammar Gaddafi is a former Libyan ruler, who was in charge of the country for more than forty years. He published the first volume of his book, "The Green Book," in 1970, in which he explains his political views, describing them as a “cure” for capitalism and democracy.
Take a look at this quote and decide whether the book is your cup of tea:
“Freedom of expression is the right of every natural person, even if a person chooses to behave irrationally to express his or her insanity.” That explains a lot, doesn't it?
A despot talking about freedom sounds like a monkey doing a DNA analysis of Bigfoot hairs.
2. "Zabiba and the King" by Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein, a former Iraqi despot, is another “hero” on our list. This person, whose “accomplishments” include two wars against Iran, looting Kuwait, and killing his people in numerous ways, had managed to write a book. It is... a love story. I'm not kidding!
"Zabiba and the King," published first in 2000 anonymously, tells the romantic story of a powerful king who falls in love with a beautiful, ordinary girl- Zabiba.
Who would have guessed there was so much softness in his heart? How does the story end? Find out yourself!
3. "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler
#Hitler, no need to introduce him; he is, undoubtedly, one of the darkest and most evil people ever to have walked on earth. However, besides committing genocide, this man had a more sophisticated aspiration before becoming notorious – he dreamed of writing a book.
"Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle" in English) follows Hitler's early life, his struggles, and ideas. The so-called “Nazi Bible” is a guide to and through the mind of a mad man. His struggle? Ask half Europe about struggling…
4. "Memoirs" by Todor Zhivkov
Todor Zhivkov is a notorious communist dictator, who ruled Bulgaria for more than four decades.
Besides bankrupting the country three times, trying to sell Bulgaria to the Soviet Union, and forcing the Muslim minority to change their names and identity, this illiterate man had managed to publish several books. So busy yet so prolific. George R.R. Martin could ask him how to pick up his speed of writing if he were alive.
In 1997, he released his last book "Мемоари" ("Memoirs" in English). There Zhivkov shares his dearest memories of being a happy and tender father of both the nation and his daughter. I have the right to mistrust him.
5. "Uzbekistan on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century" by Islam Karimov
Islam Karimov, president of Uzbekistan from 1989 to 2016 when he passed away is another example of a He is accused of deliberately killing 400-500 anti-government protesters in the so-called Andijan massacre in 2005.
Perhaps, juggling between oppressing people and securing his immortality as president, Karimov found the time to write a book called "Uzbekistan on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century." The book primarily focuses on Karimov's political and economic views. Well, no details about Andijan whatsoever.
Fortunately for our world and societies, these people are not among the living anymore. Sadly, there are others who are still alive. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is one of them. Many believe that the very president of the most powerful country in the world - Donald #Trump - is also a dictator. Is he?