Sometimes, by circumstance or lack of knowledge, people take actions that turn out to have results quite different than those they intended. Thinking carefully and being informed are important, especially before taking certain decisions.
Many people make the classic mistake of taking wrong choices for lack of knowledge when it comes to conception. Sometimes, thinking that they are making decisions that prevent sperm from fertilizing the egg, they are actually opening the door to unplanned pregnancy. There are so many old wives tales and misinformed teenagers eager to uncover the truth, so I have put together a much-needed list misconceptions about female contraception.
Here are six actions that many people don't know can result in pregnancy:
1. Sexual intercourse in water
Although not a very likely result, if the man ejaculates in the water, the sperm can use it as a means to reach the woman's vagina, which can, as a result, become pregnant.
2. Use certain medicines while using the contraceptive pill
Antibiotics, antidepressants, antifungals, anticonvulsants, and corticosteroids can interfere with the contraceptive effect of the birth control pill because of its effect on the concentration of hormones in the blood.
3. Practice interrupted intercourse
This is one of the most flawed contraceptive methods out there. In addition to the difficulty of a man ejaculating outside the vagina, the secretions released by the male sexual organ during the arousal period also contain live spermatozoa, one of which can fertilize the egg and lead to gestation.
Oh, and unlike condoms, this doesn't protect you against STIs.
4. Have standing sex
Opposite to popular belief, having Standing Sex does not prevent fertilization from occurring. Therefore, having standing sex is no good reason to overlook the use of contraceptive methods if there is a desire to avoid pregnancy.
5. Use only one contraceptive method
You should always combine more than a contraceptive, as long as you make sure they're compatible. No method is 100% guaranteed, so it's best to use more than one (eg, combining a condom - which is also important for prevention of sexually transmitted diseases - and contraceptive pill).
6. Frequently use the morning-after pill
The morning after pill should not be used often. Its use must be an emergency. Each dose taken lowers its effect and increases the chance of future failure.
So now you know. Avoid unnecessary risks and, when in doubt, call your gynecologist.