Usually, a reception follows a Wedding ceremony. At most receptions, the newlyweds are announced and presented to those who have gathered to celebrate with them. Sometimes there is a receiving line, but it is not that popular any longer. However, there are some things that still happen at the reception.

The first dance

A wedding toast is usually given by the best man at the reception.

After the meal, the newlyweds have their first dance as a married couple. The traditional first dance at one time was a waltz. Now any routine goes, but it is still a custom for the couple to dance for several minutes on the floor by themselves. Then the father of the bride dances with his daughter, and the mother of the bride dances with the groom. After that, it is appropriate for others to join them on the dance floor.

Wedding cake

The wedding cake is part of most Wedding Receptions. The tiered cake came about after a baker decided to stack several cakes as tall as possible and cover them with frosting.

The bride and groom cut the cake together and then feed each other. This is symbolic that the couple will feed and nourish each other during their marriage. No one knows when or why pushing cake into each other’s faces became popular. Some couples don't do it because they think it is so inappropriate.

The top layer of the cake is not cut. Instead it is a custom for couple to keep the top tier. They freeze it and eat it on their first anniversary.

Sometimes instead of one large cake, the bride has her own cake, and the groom has his own cake. Some people frown upon this because it doesn't send the message of unity. Instead, it symbolizes separation. Today, some couples decide to have cupcakes stacked instead of a wedding cake.

Surely, this is ideal for couples on a budget.

Tossing of bouquet and garter

The bride tossing the bouquet over her shoulder is still a common feature at the reception. It is a superstition that if a single woman catches the bouquet, she will be the next to get married. The groom does the same after he takes the garter from his wife's leg and tosses it to the single men. The single woman who caught the bouquet and the single man who caught the garter dance together.

Throwing rice

It used to be a tradition for guests to throw rice on the newlyweds when they leave the reception. Rice has been used as a symbol of fertility and for good luck. Today, people have stopped throwing rice because it is harmful to birds if they eat it. Therefore, rice has been replaced with other things such as flower petals, confetti, balloons, doves, and bubbles.