It was a 6.2 magnitude earthquake that struck off the coast of Sumatra Island in Indonesia. Two people lost their lives many suffered injuries. The quake damaged buildings on the island as well as in neighboring countries. The U.S. Geological Survey confirmed the magnitude and added that it had struck about 41 miles north-northwest of Bukittinggi. This is a mountainous region in West Sumatra province. The depth of the quake was about 7.5 miles below the surface.

Daily Mail U.K. says the head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency indicated the loss of lives and about injuries to many others.

These were due to the collapse of houses and buildings. It seems the earthquake triggered a landslide in the region. An official of the Met department added there was no threat of a tsunami, but the possibilities of aftershocks remain. There was panic, and people gathered in the streets in Padang. This is the capital of West Sumatra province. People in Malaysia and Singapore felt the tremors. In October 2018, an earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia left more than 1200 dead.

Earthquake disturbs lives

An earthquake is a natural disaster. Its origin is below the surface, and it leaves behind a trail of destruction. Buildings turn into rubble; roads become unfit for Travel and power failures to add to the people's miseries.

Daily Mail U.K. mentions videos on social media that reveal the trauma of residents. They assembled in the streets for safety after high-rises in Kuala Lumpur swayed for a few seconds. There was visible proof of walls trembling and furniture shaking. The earthquake left many houses and buildings damaged. Authorities are trying to assess the full scale of damage.

Last year, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake killed at least 105 people and left thousands injured in West Sulawesi province. Incidentally, Indonesia has several seismic faults. This makes it vulnerable to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. In 2004, a powerful quake in the Indian Ocean and consequent tsunami killed nearly 230,000 people.

It was across multiple countries, including Indonesia. In Pakistan, a 5.9 magnitude earthquake killed at least 20 and injured 300.

This earthquake lacked the potential to cause a tsunami

According to Reuters, an earthquake struck near the western coast of Indonesia's Sumatra Island. Neighboring Singapore and Malaysia felt the tremors, but the quake was insufficient to cause a tsunami. However, such an incident could result in loss of properties and lives, and people played safe. Residents fled from some of the buildings in the city of Padang in West Sumatra province. It even led to evacuations in Malaysia. An official of Indonesia's geophysics agency BMKG told a media outlet - "We continue to monitor and advise people to remain on alert." In November last year, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake in Peru destroyed at least 117 houses and injured many.

No major damages from this earthquake

It is normal to associate an earthquake with different types of losses. Reuters says in 2009, such a disaster devastated parts of Padang and left more than a thousand people dead. In 2004, a massive 9.1 magnitude quake and a tsunami killed thousands of countries in the vicinity. The quake occurred off Aceh Province on the northern tip of Sumatra. In the present case, people felt tremors in West Pasaman. This is located 10.6 miles from the epicenter, and there was an evacuation from a hospital. There was also understandable panic. Even in Malaysia, the fire department in Kuala Lumpur received multiple calls reporting tremors. Similarly, Singapore police also received calls from people reporting tremors. There are no reports of injuries or structural damages.