Whether Global warming is a big problem or not is hard to discuss and people constantly disagree, either way, warming climates are causing a problem now more than ever before. Scientists released two studies earlier this week, mentioning different oceanic areas that have changed and are currently causing problems or could cause problems in the future. The first study is titled "Longer and more frequent marine heatwaves over the past Century" written by many scientists including but not limited to: Eric C.

J. Oliver, Markus G. Donat, and Michael T. Burrows. The Second study is titled "Observed Fingerprint of a weakening Atlantic Ocean overturning circulation" written by Caesar, S. Rahmstorf, A. Robinson, G. Feulner, and V. Saba. The impact this could have on humans is important and will lead to more drastic impacts if warming continues.

Heat wave change over the last century

The first study shows that Heat Waves over the ocean in the last century have become longer and more frequent, impacting marine wildlife and coral reef populations. It was found that between 1925 and 2016 the global average marine heat wave frequency and duration increased by 34% and 17% with a 54% in global average of marine heat wave days annually.

These heat waves are the cause of "devastating and long term impacts" on the ecosystem according to this first study. Rising ocean heat is linked to the deaths of whales, seabirds, sea lions, and crabs. With these examples, you can see a small amount of what is being impacted and further, how it will impact us in the future.

More substantial ecological and economic impacts include the sustained loss of kelp forests, coral bleaching, mass mortality of marine invertebrates due to heat stress, fishery closures, and even increased economical tensions between nations. Focusing on mass mortality, marine species are not capable of adapting to environmental extremes. Rather, they adapt better in the slowly changing environments.

These changes are an extreme condition they must face, and not many will be able to remain in these locations, or survive at all.

Changes in important Atlantic Ocean underwater current

The second study publishes earlier this week explains the consequences of an underwater Atlantic Ocean current. This current is known as the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and it is responsible for bringing warm eqaitorial water into the North Atlantic. AMOC also affects weather patterns in the Americas and Europe.

With this in mind, researchers added that it is possible that continued slowing of the AMOC could make for extreme weather across the Northern Hemisphere. Europe would be the most susceptible, though this would also include a possible increase in sea level along the U.S. East Coast.

The consequences of the slow down are not yet fully known or understood, so it could be much larger then anticipated now, however, even more so in the future with the possibility of it slowing down even further.

This decline was shown to be in response to the rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. The AMOC is one of the well documented "tipping elements" of the climate system, with a defined threshold for collapse, as noted by the scientists releasing this study. With the levels continuing to rise and having an effect on this current, the possible climate changes are unknown. When we notice its negative impact further and understand the consequences, it may be too late for the AMOC.