Egyptian pop singer Shyma, also known as Shaimaa Ahmed, has been released from police custody after being arrested for inciting debauchery in her latest music video. The singer was held for four days of questioning. It is unclear whether or not charges will be filed.
Inciting debauchery
Last week, Shyma released a new single called "I Have Issues" and was immediately met with multiple complaints. In the music video, the singer danced provocatively in front of a group of men in her underwear. She also seductively ate a banana, which caused outrage among the Egyptian public.
The video featured a classroom full of men and a chalkboard with the phrase "Class of 69" written on it. The stance against the content of this video claims that these images are harmful to Egyptian society, especially the youth. Police arrested Shyma at her home in Cairo on Saturday on charges of "corrupting public morals" and "inciting debauchery."
The singer is presently banned from performing and faces up to three years in prison if found guilty.
Passing the buck
Shama blamed the content of the music video on the director, Mohamed Gamal. She apologized on her official Facebook page shortly before deleting the page entirely. Her apology implied that she was regretful that people took offense to the video, not that she was regretful for making it.
The director of the music video, Gamal, has also been arrested.
Women's rights
Egypt has been a place of controversy for many years on the subject of women's rights. Cairo was recently reported to be the most dangerous city in the world for women. Nine out of ten Egyptian women are estimated to have been forced to undergo female genital mutilation.
Sexual assault and street harassment against women occurs on a daily basis at staggering rates.
It is common for Egyptian police to dismiss victims of sexual assault and even more common for residents to discourage victims from coming forward. Some of Shyma's fans have called her arrest an attack on women's rights and freedom of expression.
Debauchery charges
Over the last month, more than 60 LGBT people have been arrested on charges of debauchery. It all started when two audience members at a concert raised the Gay Pride Flag. A slew of midnight raids and chatroom traps ousted several gay Egyptians who were swiftly arrested and charged with debauchery. Many of them are facing three to six years in prison.
Debauchery charges are no simple matter. Last year, three other Egyptian singers served six months each in prison for dancing provocatively in music videos. The story is unfolding, and Shyma fans should know whether or not the pop star will need to stand trial soon.