According to a Report from the Thomas Reuters Foundation, the most dangerous megacity in the world for women is Cairo, Egypt.

Since the 2011 revolution against President Hosni Mubarak, cases of sexual assault and street harassment have been on the rise. Women from all walks of life have a difficult time in Cairo with everything from female genital mutilation to street harassment to rape.

Tahrir Square

In 2011, the Egyptian uprising against the 30-year reign of President Hosni Mubarak sparked an onslaught of sexual assaults against women. Journalists, Egyptian women, and foreigners were victimized by predatory men in Cairo.

Lara Logan, a reporter for CBS News, was one of the victims of sexual assault in Tahrir Square. During the uprising in Cairo, Logan was separated from her crew, severely beaten, and sexually assaulted by a mob. A group of other women and a few soldiers came to her rescue, but Logan still suffers from complications of the assault to this day. Women have seen the dangers in Cairo steady rise since 2011.

Coup d'etat

After Mubarak stepped down, free elections were held which resulted in the election of President Mohamed Morsi. Due to his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt went into another revolution in 2013. Attacks on women skyrocketed again. In just one night, over 80 attacks targeting women were reported, according to "The Guardian."

The coup d'etat was orchestrated by the Egyptian military and led by General Abdel Fattah el Sisi, who is currently the sitting president.

During this time of unrest, groups of men would isolate a woman, rip off her clothes, and sexually assault her. One woman was reported to have been sexually assaulted with a sharp object.

The statistics

Nine in 10 women have been forced to endure genital mutilation, according to a survey in 2015 by Egypt Health Issues. One in five women gets married before they turn 18 years of age.

Cairo has also been ranked third-worst city for women's healthcare.

As for cases of sexual violence, Cairo is ranked the world's third-worst again. In terms of economic opportunities for women, Cairo is the world's second-worst. Lastly, it was ranked first for the world's worst cities for cultural practices that have adverse impacts on women.

Victim shaming

One large issue at hand is that many Egyptians put the blame of sexual harassment, assault, and rape on the women. In many cases, women are urged to not report the incident to the police. A 30-year old teacher, Lyla el-Gueretly, was assaulted on a bridge in Cairo and was told by passers-by to not report it.

If a woman decides to pursue the charges of sexual assault, the convictions will most likely not deliver justice. One woman's harasser was convicted of physical assault in lieu of sexual assault charges. He was released from custody even though he was supposed to serve some prison time. The police made no attempts to find him even though he is clearly dangerous to society.

Activist groups

Women's rights advocate Soraya Bahgat said that sexual violence against women has become so prevalent that the people have been desensitized to it. Bahgat co-founded a group that rescues women from assault. The organization is called Tahrir Bodyguard.

Another organization known as Operation Anti-Sexual Harassment has also set out to rescue women who have been assaulted. Rescuers attempt to fight off the mobs, re-cloth the women, and transport the victims to a safe-house or hospital. It is not uncommon for the mob of attackers to attempt to break the doors of the safe-house. Even rescuers have been assaulted.

For women, Cairo is the most dangerous city in the world. It is apparent that the current administration is doing little to change that. Women's rights and safety have taken a backseat once again.