ISIS has allegedly made a threat against Britain’s Prince George using the encrypted messaging app Telegram. Including an image of the four-year-old royal standing outside his new school, the Islamic extremists captioned their message, “school starts early.” Reports do not mention how the encrypted message was accessed. However, British intelligence officials are monitoring the anonymous Telegram messaging service in an effort to protect the U.K.
from potential terror attacks.
Telegram a ‘breeding ground’ for terrorists
As reported by the International Business Times, Telegram is reportedly the chosen platform for Islamic extremists to communicate, as all messages are heavily encrypted, with the user’s identity and location hidden. Cyber-security experts have labeled the messaging platform a “breeding ground” for terrorists.
The message relating to Prince George came up on a well-known channel used by ISIS on the social media platform and featured an image of the prince outside his new school, Thomas’s Battersea. The caption read “school starts early,” while further down in the post they allegedly went on to say “even the royal family will not be left alone.” There was also an excerpt from an Arabic song talking of war coming, with a melody of bullets, voicing their desire for retaliation.
Recent security fears at Prince George’s school
The Evening Standard reports that this isn’t the first time there have been security concerns relating to the young prince’s new school. Shortly before the new term began, a woman captured video of herself walking in the corridors of the school, totally unchallenged. Some weeks later, a second woman was placed under arrest for attempted burglary at the school. In light of the latest threat by ISIS against Prince George, the London Metropolitan Police will be reviewing security arrangements at the school.
Threat against the royal family should be taken seriously
The Times quotes Barry Spielman, who owns Sixgill, an internet surveillance company, as saying they have been tracking channels on Telegram since the start of this year.
Previously they used to only track the Deep Web and Dark Web, but have now started tracking Telegram. Spielman believes the threat against the royal family should be taken seriously. He said in the last year they have seen non-official and official ISIS channels moving over to Telegram. Spielman said with the platform being encrypted, it is safer for the Islamic extremists to communicate without fear of being traced.