British officials in London are investigating an early morning Terrorist attack in which a bomb partially detonated and injured 18 people, all of whom were transported to the hospital; although they did not sustain life-threatening injuries. The bombing attack had the bomb fully detonated, could have been fatal to dozens of people and could have destroyed property, including subway trains, railroad tracks, and train depots, on a widespread basis.

Although nobody has claimed responsibility for the attack as of yet, it nevertheless is being labeled a "terrorist attack" by British authorities. Meanwhile, English officials announced this morning that they would "not be intimidated," according to ABC News on Friday.

Earlier London terrorist attack

In June 2017, there also was a terrorist attack in London. In that attack, in which a motorist ran over multiple people with his white van, seven people were killed and 48 injured, 21 of whom were seriously injured. As a result of that horrific attack, the British national election, which included the election for Prime Minister, almost was postponed to a later date.

Had the national election been postponed, it would have been totally unprecedented in British history. Not even during World War II, in which Winston Churchill was forced to devise a winning strategy with his allies, among them U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, were the British forced to suspend the national election.

Lowered terrorist threat level

Unfortunately for British Prime Minister Theresa May, she had just lowered the terrorist threat level immediately prior to the June 2017 terrorist attack in London. Consequently, May suffered severe political consequences after the attack and she almost was defeated in the early June 2017 national election. It is not known if the latest terrorist attack on Friday at the subway station will do further damage to May's political career.

As with so many other things in politics, both in the United States and abroad, it was difficult to gauge the full political ramifications of any event until the next election.

Manchester attack

In Manchester, Great Britain in May of 2017, there was a terrorist attack. In that deplorable incident, which occurred during the performance of American singer Ariana Grande, 22 people were killed, and dozens of people were injured, some seriously. In this incident, some of the victims were children. The perpetrator was a suicide bomber.

Does Trump care?

It goes without saying that attention on the national as well as global scale focuses, at least partially, on President Donald Trump. The consummate question seems to be: does President Trump care about people, no matter where they may be, who for no fault of their own, become victims of shootings, natural disasters, and terrorist attacks.

Trump's insensitive remarks after the Charlottesville, Va. tragedy in which a young woman protesting a white supremacy rally was viciously run over by a 20-year-old male suspect who now is in custody, cause many observers to ponder this question.