Generation Z is pathologically obsessed with the internet. Whether prompted by peers or some brain effects, the addictive use of internet and IM apps leads to isolation. It is the need of the hour to identify the factors that influence the social media Obsession among teens. This article discusses the things to be blamed for this improper digital behavior of our new generation.

What science says about teens’ addictive use of social media?

The iGeneration is irrefutably more dedicated to social networking platforms where they spend around nine hours a day. Teens’ obsession for Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and several other media apps is no longer a surprise but what triggers this obsession is the revelation.

‘Likes’ seem to be intoxicating to teens’ brains.

Neuroscientists have found that seeing likes on social media posts is intoxicating especially for growing brains. A study was conducted by the scientists from the University of California in which they scanned teenagers’ brain while using the internet and found out that a certain part of their brain associated with rewards lit up whenever the teens saw some of their photos getting ‘likes’.

They also found out that liking had a roll-on effect: teens were more likely to like a post which was liked by their fellows, irrespective of the content

The study explains why the internet is so irresistible to the teens; however, Donald Trump’s Twitter obsession is still a debate to be held. Among the reasons behind teens’ social media addiction is their sensitivity to the ‘likes’ that create the same effect on the brain that gets generated when a person does pleasure things like winning money or eating favorite foodstuffs.

Teens do what they see others doing.

Another factor which is greatly influential on teens’ social media obsession is peer pressure. Teens are more likely to take interest in those things that their buddies are thrilled about, no matter whether it is neutral, positive or risky in nature.

Peer pressure on teens can either be a good thing or a potentially bad thing, but it remains powerful in both cases. What the teens see online, what their peers post and like, really impacts their behavior.

Teenage addiction is also associated with feelings of isolation among young adults. The people who are using social media are not just posting, they are also viewing what others post. They spend time looking where others are and what they are doing. This continuous exposure to someone else’s perfect life can generate feelings of loneliness and isolation. It triggers depression and anxiety which ultimately makes them anti-social beings, notes theonespy.

Is social media addiction good or bad?

The obsession is not a bad thing all the time. For example, if you reveal too much about yourself on Facebook, you may face severe consequences. On the other, if used correctly, you can utilize the platform to promote your brand, business and yourself. Take a break; analyze your attitude and learn how to use social media to your advantage.

It is perfectly alright to have a presence on online platforms but your consistent involvement can keep your real-life relationships at bay. Look for the healthy and responsible ways you can enjoy Snapchat, YouTube, and similar platforms without becoming an addict. Be watchful for the time you spend online; make time for your real life relations and get to the root of the concerns that can be caused by addictive social media use.