Sony has unveiled its latest playstation vr headset. PS VR’s new version features slight design modifications, but it comes along with several small improvements to help enhance the overall experience of playing virtual reality games.
PlayStation 4’s new virtual reality headset will feature integrated stereo headphone cables. The new device’s own pair of headphones are fastened to the rear head mount of the gadget. The Japanese tech firm claimed that this gives the new virtual reality headset a slimmer connection cable that will remove the need to wear additional headphones.
Device with updated Processor Unit
According to PlayStation Blog, the latest PlayStation VR headset has an updated Processor Unit that supports HDR. With this feature, PlayStation 4 owners won’t have to disconnect the new headset from their gaming system to continue watching HDR content. This could be more of an added comfort rather than an increase in HDR content.
Release date
According to Game Rant, the new PlayStation VR headset will first be up for grabs in Japan on October 14 and will arrive in a bundle with the PlayStation Camera. Sony enthusiasts in North America and the rest of the world will have to wait a little longer as the tech company has yet to announce the specific release date yet
Price of the device
In terms of price, Sony has yet to announce the official price of the new model, but it is expected to have the same pricing as the current PlayStation VR bundle.
The current variant’s bundle is still available for $400.
To avoid any confusion when purchasing Sony’s PSVR, the company has listed the difference between the previous variant and the new model in terms of packaging. Sony claimed that the packaging of the new PlayStation VR headset will be slightly different compared to its predecessor.
The product image will be updated to showcase the changes to the latest variant. Potential buyers are advised to look for the virtual reality headset’s model numbers on the box. The previous device has a model number CUH-ZVR1, while the new variant will be available with the model number CUH-ZVR2.
The tech company also reminded gamers that the new PlayStation VR headset will be compatible with all previously launched PSVR games. Therefore, if PlayStation VR owners already have a growing library of titles, these owners do not need to worry about the new and old model’s compatibility.