On Tuesday, October 24, TiVo introduced two new DVRs in its product lineup, which have voice command as its primary feature. The new DVRs are dubbed bolt Vox and Mini Vox. While the two new TiVo devices comes with all the features of the erstwhile Bolt and Mini, the DVR manufacturing company has introduced the voice command functionality in the new DVRs. Users of the new set-top boxes from TiVo can search, play, as well as record content on live TV using voice commands.

Bolt Vox: what’s new in the device?

In terms of design the Bolt Vox sports a similar design to the Bolt, which released in 2015.

However, the new edition only comes in black, unlike the Bolt which also came in a white option. It appears that apart from the inclusion of the voice control feature, in terms of hardware specifications, the new Bolt Vox and the original hardly have any difference. It seems that the same device has been re-branded and introduced in the market with voice control.

Like the original Bolt, the Vox also comes in three storage variants i.e. 500 GB, 1 TB, and 3 TB. While the 500 GB edition costs $199.99, the 1 TB version is for $299. The 3 TB variant sports six tuners and costs $499. However, on the downside, the spacious 3 TB model does not come with over-the-air antenna programming compatibility and only supports digital cable inputs.

The Bolt Vox will go on sale from October 29.

How does the Mini Vox stack against the original?

TiVo’s Mini Vox is an enhanced and more powerful version of the original. While the original Mini’s playback support was restricted to 1080p, the newly-launched Mini Vox comes with 4K playback support. It also features the all-new voice control feature.

The new model starts at $179.99 and goes hits the shelves on October 29.

Voice command support on new DVRs: how will it work?

The much-talked-about voice command support in the new Bolt Vox and Mini Vox is housed in the Vox Remote, which accompanies both the newly-launched devices. The remote comes embedded with a blue-colored button.

This button is dedicated for voice functionality. The remote ships with the devices, but can also be purchased separately for $39.99 in black or white. According to an Ars Technica report, while users will not be able to get latest sports scores and weather updates through the voice command functionality, they can make multi-layered entertainment requests to the system. It remains to be seen whether the DVRs find favor with consumers.