With the release of the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, the company is working hard towards the release of the upcoming Galaxy S9 series. Expected to launch during MWC 2018, the company has reportedly started the production of the handset. The Galaxy S9 will have noticeable changes in the internal specifications without any modification to the display factor for both the standard and the premium Plus variant. Moreover, the phone will also provide support for dual camera, Iris sensor, and Bixby assistant. In a bid to compete with the iPhone 8, the company will also most likely unveil the Plus model with a premium OLED display panel.
According to the Inquirer, the display of the Galaxy S9 phone will arrive from the supply chain to the production facility in November 2017.
While the samsung galaxy S9 will be equipped with a 5.8-inch bezel-less display paired with 570PPI, the Plus model will offer a 6.2-inch QHD+ Super AMOLED curved Infinity display with a pixel density of 529PPI. As per Android Headlines, the display technology will be code named as Sunflower and will have significant improvements.
Improved processor
Samsung has integrated Snapdragon 835 in the Galaxy S8. However, in the forthcoming model, we expect the company to infuse Snapdragon 845 processor for the US variant. When it comes to the UK model, the phone will have a new edition of Exynos processor that will be designed based on the 8nm manufacturing process.
The rumors emerging from Weibo indicates that the Galaxy S9 will ship only with Exynos 9810 processor for all markets instead of the conventional Snapdragon chipsets.
Integration of new Modem
According to The Inquirer, the Galaxy S9 series will provide support for CAT 18 LTE with support for 6CA technology, which will be capable of offering 1.2Gbps download speed.
Hence, the performance of the device will considerably improve up to 20 percent. The rear side will most probably feature a dual camera identical to that of the Galaxy Note 8 handset alongside an improved version of the Iris scanner on the front.
Addition of Android Oreo
The Samsung Galaxy S9 will be preloaded with Android 8.0 Oreo.
However, when the phone is ready for the release, we expect the integration of version 8.1 or 8.2, which will have enhancements and bug fixes. Moreover, the phone will ship with a fingerprint sensor embedded on to the display coupled with a dedicated button for the Bixby A1-enabled assistant.
According to a recent patent listing filed by a Korea-based agency, the handset will include an iPhone8-like cutout located at the top of the front panel. Moreover, the phone will have a modular design functionality as revealed by a popular tech personality Elder Murtazin. We expect the unlocked variant of the Galaxy S9 Plus to cost anywhere around $1020. The handset will be announced during MWC 2018 followed by the official launch after one month. We will continue to keep track of the developments and provide you with updates. Stay tuned.