Apple’s upcoming smartphone might come with an elongated Power Button. Hence, the company will announce the name of its latest phone at the media event on September 12.

Apple could design new power button

In the last few months, several rumors are claiming that the iPhone 8 has no power button to invoke Siri. However, according to a post by Redmond Pie, a developer known by Guilherme Rambo revealed a different fact, saying that the phone will indeed feature an elongated power button to invoke Siri.

The developer further claimed that he found several references that the phone has a sleep/wake button which it was made available weeks ago since the release of iOS 11 beta 9.

He also said the power button comes with new functionality that fans are not familiar with.

Release date, specs, and price

News mentioned in their post that the upcoming iPhone may be called either iPhone Edition or iPhone X. The smartphone also features wireless charger, AMOLED display, and unique dual cameras.

The post further explained that it will come in three models including iPhone 7S Plus, iPhone 7S, and iPhone 8 tenth anniversary edition. Hence, the Apple’s logo comes with three colors which symbolized three separate smartphones.

The latest iPhone features Face ID facial recognition system and fingerprint reader. The Face ID will function by an acoustic system that will send out an acoustic signal and reflected back to piezoelectric transducers.

The transducers will then determine the image or object that has a contact with the device. When it comes to the fingerprint sensor, it features an acoustic frame that allows the device to identify its owner.

The latest phone will be officially unveiled at the Apple 10-year anniversary event. However, Timothy Arcuri, an analyst, suggested that the phone will not be available until the fourth quarter of the year.

A Japanese electronics site Macotakara revealed that detailed of the wireless charger, saying that the company restricts the wireless charging to 7.5 watts and it will be supported by the Qui standard. In other words, the upcoming phone will take more time to complete its charging process, as the battery comes with 2,700 mAh.

When it comes to phone’s specs, it has 5.8 inches 2.5 OLED display, and a new design with all glass construction. It has Apple A11 chip, iOS 11 with better P2p and Siri payments, and LTE support that has speeds up to 450Mbps.

The latest device will have a price around $1,100 to $1,200. The company also offers the phone’s handset in 128 GB and 256 GB.