The iPhone 8 was announced on September 12, 2017. The device was launched with two other phones, the iPhone 8+ and the iPhone X. The iPhone 8 and 8+ are considered an incremental update when compared the previous generation of iPhones.
The best features
wireless charging
Years after Android popularized wireless charging, Apple has finally brought wireless charging to their devices.
This new feature is in part with the new material choice for iPhones. As wireless charging cannot work through metallic surfaces, the latest model has a glass back instead of the unibody metal design present in the previous generation of iPhones. Along with the device, Apple has also released many wireless charging accessories.
A11 Bionic Chip
Apple designed processors have always been highly fast and efficient. With the new A11 Bionic Chip, it's faster than ever. The new processor is designed to beat any other competition in the market. According to benchmarks, the iPhone in combination with the A11 Bionic chip has higher benchmark scores than any other smartphone available in the market.
Even the closest competitor, The Samsung Galaxy 8 Note, falls short on benchmarks when compared to the new iPhone. This is especially great for running extremely process heavy apps, software or augmented reality related features in the device.
The Camera
The new device comes with a 12 mp camera with f1.8 aperture that is near perfect. Meanwhile, the iPhone 8+ and X comes with a dual camera setup, the iPhone X also has OIS on both its cameras. The new cameras for iPhone 8+ and X come with plenty more options for the portrait mode with the ability to control light effect and more
True Tone Display
The new iPhones come with true tone display, meaning the display adapts to the surrounding lighting conditions and changes the while balance to keep the user's eyes less strained.
The worst features
Single Camera
Unfortunately, the iPhone 8 only comes with a single camera, as the dual camera setup is only available for the higher priced 8+ and the X model. This is a shame considering even the base model of iPhone 8 costs around $775.
The Display
The iPhone 8's display only has a resolution of 750 x 1334, meanwhile, its main competitor the Galaxy Note 8's display has a resolution of 1440 x 2960. This is a drastic difference. Although the iPhone has a solid display, it's definitely not #The Best in the market.
The Battery
The iPhone 8 comes with a mere 1821 mAh battery, which is even lower than the iPhone 7's battery which was 1960 mAh. How efficient or how long with the new iPhone can last without charging still needs to be tested out, but it's almost for sure that the new iPhone 8 will have to be constantly recharged throughout a day.
The iPhone 8 has a nearly identical design as previous generation iPhones such as the iPhone 7, 6 or the 6s. The only change is the material choice, as the back panel is now glass instead of metal.