Huawei, during its keynote at IFA (Berlin), officially launched its Kirin 970 smartphone chipset. The primary highlight of the processor is that it comes with built-in Artificial Intelligence for mobile phones, which operates on its own Neural Processing Unit. Based on a 10nm advanced processor, the company has described it as the “future of smartphones.” To add to this, there’s 8-core CPU and 12-core GPU with 5.5 million transistors – all in an area of one square centimeter.
The Kirin 970 featured smartphone
According to a report by Android Authority, the first smartphone to come powered by Kirin 970 will be Huawei’s Mate 10.
According to the announcement made by the company, many other future Huawei-branded devices will also sport the same chipset. The firm claims that its processor is capable of delivering 25 times faster performance with 50 times the power efficiency in comparison to Kirin 960. This is only possible, thanks to its quad-core Cortex-A73 cluster.
Everything to know about the AI
Huawei also gave the audience a glimpse into what the system is going to operate as after being powered by Kirin 970. The demonstration involved in the operation of a photo-recognition software. The experience sure was fast, and the results were qualitative. All throughout its presentation, the firm emphasized the importance of how its latest chipset strikes the perfect balance between efficiency and latency even while combining AI.
The proof lied in its image-recognition test, as it was able to process roughly 2,000 images per minute. The Kirin 970 platform is currently available for mobile developers and partners for testing.
According to a report by Android Central, Huawei at hinted towards the integration of AI last month itself. The firm made a statement, suggesting that the AI technology would play a major role in pushing the smartphone ante.
Therefore, it didn’t come across as a surprise when this announcement was made. “AI will disrupt the user experience, but before it can do so, we will need a quantum leap in the functionality of our smart devices, chipsets and cloud services,” the company said in a statement. The firm’s latest smartphones: Mate 10 and Mate 10 Pro is expected to be unveiled on October 16 during an event in Munich.
They will arrive with the firm’s latest flagship processor, Kirin 970. These devices will fall in direct competition with Apple’s iPhone 8. In fact, Huawei CEO has even posed a challenge, suggesting that Mate 10 will easily take on other flagship offerings.