Majority of Android smartphones depend on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Arm-based processors. Qualcomm along with Microsoft made the announcement of working towards the introduction of Windows 10-oriented ARM processors. This was done with the objective to facilitate components for platforms other than smartphones, such as PC and laptops.

Qualcomm- One of the largest processor maker

According to a report by Arstechnica, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 835 chip – which was made official towards the end of 2016 – consists of the company’s X16 LTE modem. It powers major flagship smartphones of 2017, including Samsung Galaxy S8, S8 Plus, Note 8, OnePlus 5 and possibly Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 and Google’s Pixel 2, Pixel XL 2.

The firm has apparently designed its Mobile PC platform in a way, so as to offer a seamless experience.

Qualcomm claims that through numerous factors such as long battery life, on-the-go connectivity, and silent operations among others, its Mobile PC platform will be able to achieve the impeccable journey. According to a report by First Post, the two companies have finally introduced the first Windows 10 PC with ARM. Qualcomm confirmed at IFA, 2017 (Berlin) that Windows 10 ARM PC would feature its Snapdragon 835 system-on-chip. The firm hasn’t offered any other information apart from this, to the consumers as of yet. “Stay tuned to learn more about how Windows PCs powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 Mobile PC Platform are delivering breakthrough user experiences,” the company said.

Windows and Qualcomm collaboration

As noted by Windows Latest, Windows 10 has only been operational on x86 chips up till now. In an effort to deliver a tough fight to Intel, Microsoft apparently decided to assimilate with Qualcomm. The firm strived towards manufacturing a device that would be thin, light and filled with performance.

The smartphone will be functional on the cellular network and is expected to hit the market towards the end of this year. It will particularly come to use for students, who are Microsoft’s largest consumer base as far as PC’s are concerned. Several other manufacturers including Xiaomi, ASUS, HP and Lenovo are also expected to vary forward a move on the similar lines.

Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President, Matt Barlow said sometime last year that they are excited about the collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies. They want to offer the “best of mobile computing experience,” to its consumers. This announcement was followed by Microsoft unveiling Windows 10 ARM PC at Computex, 2017.