Apple has launched the much-anticipated iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus in Silver, Gold, and Space Grey color variants starting at $699 at a launch event held in Cupertino, California on September 12. Designed with a glass back panel, the newly launched iPhone series ships with an enhanced AI-centric processor, refreshed cameras alongside True Tone display, wireless charging and iOS 11. Moreover, the rear camera provides support for Optical Image Stabilization with body and face detection capabilities. It is to be noted that the rear panel is paired with steel, which provides the device a premium look.
The handsets will be available for pre-order from September 15 and will hit the retail stores on September 22.
Water resistant
While the iPhone 8 features a 4.7-inch IPS (1334x750) retina display, the Plus carries a 5.5-inch IPS FHD (1920x1080) display. The handsets have been manufactured using durable glass and are resistant to splashes, water, and dust via IP67 technology. In addition to Wi-Fi, the devices also provide support for assisted GPS, GLONASS, digital compass, and iBeacon.
Enhanced default storage
Apple has bumped the default storage capacity to 64GB from 32GB in the previous counterpart. Moreover, the eighth edition of the iPhone will also be available in 256GB storage instead of 128GB.
Talking about the internals, both handsets are integrated with an advanced A11 Bionic processor with Neural engine coupled with the Apple M11 graphics chipset. According to Apple, the processor will improve the performance of Siri to a large extent, including the addition of Augmented Reality features. The fingerprint sensor has been embedded on the physical home button.
Dual camera
On the optics front, the iPhone 8 ships with a 12MP rear camera with f/1.8 aperture. In contrast, the Plus variant comes with a dual camera comprising of 12MP wide-angle and telephoto lens. Like in the case of the iPhone 7 series, the company has provided support for optical image stabilization (OIS) for both models.
With the iPhone 8, you will be able to shoot 4K and FHD videos at 24fps and 30fps respectively. The selfie snapper offers a 7MP sensor with f/2.2 aperture and retina flash.
Wireless charging
As expected, the iPhone 8 series ships with iOS 11 by default. The new platform will roll out to existing iPhone users on September 19. The advantage of the iPhone 8 series is the addition of fast charging capability, which enables you to charge 50% in 30 minutes. Moreover, the devices also ship with wireless charging support.
Regarding pricing, the 64GB and 256GB variants of the iPhone 8 are priced at $699 and $849 respectively. The Plus variant is also available in same storage capacities and will be available at $799 and $949.
The handsets will be available in the US from AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon. Alternatively, the devices will also be available in an unlocked variant. The newly launched phone will be available in all countries across the world as per the timelines announced by the company.