One of Samsung’s most awaited launches this year has to be its Galaxy Note 8 smartphone. The South-Korean technology giant is expected to introduce its phablet smartphone on August 23rd, at its scheduled ‘Unpacked’ event – an announcement that Samsung made earlier this month. The company has apparently equipped its upcoming high-end smartphone with all the possible features that one would look forward to. The device falls in direct competition with other leading flagships including the ones that haven’t been launched yet, such as Google’s Pixel 2 and Pixel XL 2 and Apple’s iPhone 8.
The only thing that the company has confirmed up till now regarding the Galaxy Note 8 smartphone is the fact that the device is going to come tagged along with the company’s iconic Stylus S pen. However, no other information has been confirmed by the firm as of yet.
Here is what can be concluded on the basis of leading rumors regarding the upcoming phablet Galaxy Note 8 smartphone. Let’s take a look.
Release date of the device
Like mentioned previously, Samsung only earlier this month, confirmed that the smartphone manufacturer was going to launch its Galaxy Note 8 phablet on 23rd August at its ‘Unpacked’ event. The South-Korean technology giant has long been planning on introducing its phablet device way before Apple – who is Samsung’s arch-rival – does.
Therefore, it doesn’t come across as a surprise that the company is pulling this deed off at this time of the year.
Price of the flagship
Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy Note 8 smartphone is reportedly going to be one of the priciest offerings made by Samsung till date. The device may end up being even more expensive than the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus smartphones.
The device will probably be available at a starting price of $800, however, that remains unconfirmed.
Specifications of the phablet
As far as the specifications of the upcoming smartphone are concerned, the device is going to share a lot of similarities with its Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus sibling smartphones. For example, the smartphone is going to feature a 6-inch display, along with Infinity Display technology that Samsung debuted earlier this year.
The device will reportedly be powered with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 system-on-chip. Apart from this, the smartphone may offer 4GB of RAM alongside 64GB of internal storage, and will probably house a 3,000mAh battery and run on the latest Android 7.1.1 Nougat operating system.