OnePlus 5 was launched a few weeks back and early users of the device reported a strange issue with the flagship device. Many said that the handset faced an issue where the contents displayed on the screen would compress and decompress while scrolling. This effect came to be known as the Jelly Scrolling Issue and many users reported the same with the handset.
Now, just days after the release of the much-awaited Moto Z2 Force, fans have reported that the same jelly scrolling issue in the high-end Lenovo device as well. This is a serious issue, one which Motorola will have to address soon if it wants to maintain the reputation of the new mobile device.
OnePlus 5 jelly scrolling effect: What is it?
The issue was first witnessed by users of the OnePlus 5 when many noticed that while scrolling, the display would get distorted. Some also noticed that their screens were refreshing to the opposite side than what is usually seen. This led many to theorize that the display had been outfitted inversely, which caused the refresh to get inverted as well. It is also one of the causes behind the jelly scrolling effect.
When reported to the company, OnePlus denied these allegations and revealed that the jelly scrolling was actually a feature that it has introduced in the new OnePlus 5 flagship. However, after public outcry, the smartphone maker finally confessed that it was a problem and said that a fix would be released soon in the form of an update.
Users are still waiting for this firmware update which would be able to prevent the problems.
The Moto Z2 Force is suffering the same issue as well. According to XDA, the smartphone's display is also inverted, which is causing the distortion. An XDA reporter claims that he recently compared the display refresh direction in both the Moto Z2 Force and the Galaxy S8+.
This comparison led to the discovery that the Lenovo device refreshes in the opposite direction to that of the Galaxy S8+, further reinforcing that the inverted screen is the main cause of the issue.
Can the jelly scrolling issue be fixed?
If what is being theorized is correct and the jelly scrolling is caused by a hardware problem and not a software mix-up, it would be impossible to fix through an update.
Fans believe that the display has been mounted upside down. So, to fix this issue, the companies will have to recall the affected devices and manually reorient the display panels to the correct position. For now, Motorola has yet to respond to these complaints of the jelly scrolling effect.